Female Pirates
Did you know that one of the most notorious female pirates in the world was Ching Shih? She was a Chinese business woman in the late 18th to mid 19th century. She had many other occupations including: a salt trader, gambling house and brothel owner, and even a prostitute. However, she was well known for being a female pirate. She was a fierce pirate and her legacy made people wonder what it would be like to meet her in person. During the Golden Age of Piracy, there were quite a few infamous female pirates that sailed the sees. Nevertheless, their appearances were not what you would expect. In a mainly male pirate world where masculinity was the majority, a female pirate was expected to not survive. Even if a female pirate was spotted, she would most likely be targeted because it was popular believe that a woman would not endure in that type of lifestyle. So, most of them would disguise themselves as a man to avoid that type of conflict. To meet one of them knowin...